Premium No Ads However, Telegram only uses this encryption in calls and in its “secret chats” feature, not in regular chats. Those are only encrypted client to server. Meanwhile, WhatsApp, the supposedly less secure service, has used end-to-end encryption in all messages, calls, and video calls since 2016. The aforementioned secret chats are where you can take part in end-to-end encrypted messaging with a contact. But that’s not its only benefit: Secret chats also don’t allow a person forward messages from there or take screenshots. Of course, someone could take a picture of the screen with another device, but it’s still discouraged, and it’s bolstered by another feature: self-destruct timers.
Telegram is all about privacy and security, and it isn't beholden to larger companies like Facebook. In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. Better Bots Similar options are available for sharing your phone number and profile photo. You can also select who can add a link to your account when forwarding messages, who can call you, and who can add you in groups.
Finally, Telegram has brought a list view for search results in chronological order. Earlier, finding something by incessantly tapping on “next” was a tiring exercise. Now, you can just search for the term and tap on the “search bar” at the bottom to find all the search results in the list view. Send Uncompressed Media If you are using Telegram on your PC, Laptop, or another device, your secret chat is only visible to your device that you started it. Telegram allows you to classify all your chats into various folders. This lets you deal with a group of chats at a time and avoid others when they are not important. For instance, you could set a group to include all chats from your work colleagues and another to manage your personal social circle.
I have been using Telegram for a long time. It’s straightforward, and most Telegram features save time and make my day-to-day life so much easier. What makes Telegram unique is its focus on privacy, encryption, and an open-source API. There are countless unofficial clients to go along with the official Telegram apps and web interface. It also allows multiple devices to use the same account (verified by SMS), and multiple accounts on the same device.
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